For several years now the "liberal" media has been savvy to two things: One, there are a lot of people who consider themselves Christians in this country. Two, those people spend a lot of money on entertainment. According to the US Census Bureau 51.3 percent of the population claim to be "Protestant," and another 23.9 percent claim to be Catholic. It should come as no surprise then that someone might try and make some money from all these Christians running around seeking amusement. There is a new show on NBC that appears to do just that. Kings is modeled on everyone's favorite biblical king, King David.
The fourth in my Sunday morning prayer series, feel free to use them as you see fit. (Perhaps as an example of what not to do)
Praise the Lord from the earth. Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars. Creeping things and flying birds. Let them praise the name of the Lord for his name alone is exalted; His majesty is above Earth and Heaven. (Psalm 148: 9-13)
We thank you Lord that You have called us here to worship this morning. We are mindful of those who work to translate your word so that all peoples can hear your call. Bless the efforts of each and every translation project, give energy to those, Your servants, who work faithfully to Your purpose. For, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news." (Romans 10:15)
We want You to make us into a mighty church Lord. Today we ask that you make this church reflect You. Just as the full moon reflects light from the sun, and becomes a bright light in the dark night. Make us "a city set on a hill, that cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14)
Protect us Father from the turbulent times in which we live. Be with our leaders and give them wisdom to make good decisions. Calm our markets, be "the invisible hand" and guide us through this economic crises. Aid our nation in this war we fight against an unconventional opponent. Keep America righteous, so that we can be assured that our cause is righteous. Work in the hearts of our allies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Protect their minds from the propaganda and tactics of the enemy. Be with our loved ones who are even now in harms way Lord. Assure them that You are with them, and that "though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they should fear no evil." (Psalm 23:4)
"Give ear to our words, O Lord; consider our groaning. Give attention to the sound of our cries, our King and our God, for to You do we pray." (Psalm 5:1,2) We are troubled. Divorce plagues our families, sickness plagues our bodies, and discouragement plagues our hearts. Remind us of your promises God, remind us that You are our deliverer, and that glory is our reward. For we know that you have promised to answer when we call, to be with us in trouble and to rescue and honor us. (Psalm 91).
Now we prepare to go out to the daily battles you put before us Lord. Some of us battle against outward opponents such as coworkers and people we know, others against illness and impossible tasks. And I dare say Lord that we all struggle with inner battles against temptation and sin. Whatever our opponent Lord, make us mighty and righteous warriors. Become our strength Father so that we can overcome the evil that surrounds us. Commune with us constantly Lord, speak clearly your commands, and give us the courage to follow them.
Here is the third prayer in the series...
"How lovely is your dwelling place O Lord of Hosts. Our souls long, yes faint for the courts of the Lord; our hearts sing for joy to the living God." (Psalm 84:2)
We love to be in your presence God. Thank You Lord for bringing us here to worship you. We are mindful today God of the many people who have not heard your word, and do not know to worship you. We ask that you bless the missionaries You have sent out to bring your word to all those who have not yet heard.
Again we ask Lord that you continue to bless our little Church. Bless our children. Grow them into men and women who love You. Make them wise and make them holy.
The second in a series of prayers I've done for my church, minus a few specifics, enjoy, and discuss if you please.
"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the world, from everlasting to ever lasting, you are God." (Psalm 90:2)
Our God, we cannot conceive of the words to give you proper praise. "How great are your works Oh Lord." (Psalm 92:5)
Father we are a blessed church in a blessed nation. Let us not take for granted our freedom to gather and worship You. Please protect our brothers around the world who are even now persecuted for doing just the same. Please continue to bless this church Lord. Make us rich with knowledge of you. And make us overflow with love for one another.
Another week has passed God and we are weary. Sometimes it seems that the tasks you have laid out for us are impossible. Remind us God that it is You that assign us these tasks, and that we are to complete them to Your glory. "And that with God, all things are possible." (Matt 19:26)
You know God that our nation's, and most of the world's economy is in dire straights. Remind us that it is You that determines when nations prosper, and when nations decline. Nonetheless, many of us have watched the value of our homes diminish over the last year, some of us have faced cuts in pay, still others have lost their jobs completely. Despite Your words about the sparrows, and the grass of the field we, worry. Comfort us God, and teach us not to worry. "We will say to You Lord, 'Our Refuge and our Fortress, our God in whom we trust." (Psalm 91:2)
Our congregation ails Lord. Some of our families are facing divorce, and some of us have been treated unjustly in our jobs. We don't know why you have allowed this tribulation into our lives God. Please end our sorrows Lord. Lend us your strength and make us mighty in our pain and our persecution. Let us learn to need you. Others among us Lord are ill, some terminally so. Remind us to fear not those that can kill the body, but cannot harm the soul. (Matt 10:28a) Some here are worried about their loved ones who are fighting our nations battles in foreign lands. We know God that Your legions of angels are more powerful than any improvised explosive device, or suicide bomber. Keep those we love safe Lord, and bring them home swiftly. Bless their efforts God, and make our nations military to do your work in that troubled region.
Gird us for the trials that will come next week. Keep us grounded in Your word, in Prayer and in fellowship, so that we may emerge victorious from all that challenges us. Remind us of your promise in Psalm 91 that says "Because he holds fast to Me in Love I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him. I will be with him in times of trouble. I will rescue him and honor him." (Psalm 91:15)
Lately, I've been doing the Sunday morning prayer for my church. I've decided to post them here as I've worked hard on them, and I'd like to place them in the public domain. I've tried to remove all the specifics, so they can be viewed as appropriate for any church. Please use them as you see fit.