The second in a series of prayers I've done for my church, minus a few specifics, enjoy, and discuss if you please.
"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the world, from everlasting to ever lasting, you are God." (Psalm 90:2)
Our God, we cannot conceive of the words to give you proper praise. "How great are your works Oh Lord." (Psalm 92:5)
Father we are a blessed church in a blessed nation. Let us not take for granted our freedom to gather and worship You. Please protect our brothers around the world who are even now persecuted for doing just the same. Please continue to bless this church Lord. Make us rich with knowledge of you. And make us overflow with love for one another.
Another week has passed God and we are weary. Sometimes it seems that the tasks you have laid out for us are impossible. Remind us God that it is You that assign us these tasks, and that we are to complete them to Your glory. "And that with God, all things are possible." (Matt 19:26)
You know God that our nation's, and most of the world's economy is in dire straights. Remind us that it is You that determines when nations prosper, and when nations decline. Nonetheless, many of us have watched the value of our homes diminish over the last year, some of us have faced cuts in pay, still others have lost their jobs completely. Despite Your words about the sparrows, and the grass of the field we, worry. Comfort us God, and teach us not to worry. "We will say to You Lord, 'Our Refuge and our Fortress, our God in whom we trust." (Psalm 91:2)
Our congregation ails Lord. Some of our families are facing divorce, and some of us have been treated unjustly in our jobs. We don't know why you have allowed this tribulation into our lives God. Please end our sorrows Lord. Lend us your strength and make us mighty in our pain and our persecution. Let us learn to need you. Others among us Lord are ill, some terminally so. Remind us to fear not those that can kill the body, but cannot harm the soul. (Matt 10:28a) Some here are worried about their loved ones who are fighting our nations battles in foreign lands. We know God that Your legions of angels are more powerful than any improvised explosive device, or suicide bomber. Keep those we love safe Lord, and bring them home swiftly. Bless their efforts God, and make our nations military to do your work in that troubled region.
Gird us for the trials that will come next week. Keep us grounded in Your word, in Prayer and in fellowship, so that we may emerge victorious from all that challenges us. Remind us of your promise in Psalm 91 that says "Because he holds fast to Me in Love I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him. I will be with him in times of trouble. I will rescue him and honor him." (Psalm 91:15)
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